• Becoming Mom,  Healthy Lifestyle,  Infertility,  PCOS

    Pennies from Heaven

    Five years ago my world felt like someone gut punched me in the stomach.  Finding out about my infertility was no joke. Learning I had a tubal pregnancy that turned into a tubal disease blocking me from ever having children of my own was the worst. The doctor, no bed side manner at all. She acted like it was no big deal and we would just make it happen. I trust God and his timing and these past five years I have grown to trust him even more. I did not believe in playing God.  Today I went in for my yearly. The lady in the car beside me apologized…

  • Blog Post,  Healthy Lifestyle,  PCOS

    The C Scare

    You tend to think you are untouchable in your teens. In your twenties, you have your whole life ahead of you. Your thirties, you realized life is passing you by.  By the time you hit your mid thirties, life starts to become real. You wonder if you are making the right choices in life. Are you established in your career? In your marriage? Or are you starting over? How is your health? Will you live long enough to see your child graduate, get married? Will you have more children? There are so many things that go through our head in our mid thirties; do you begin a new chapter in your…

  • Healthy Lifestyle,  Infertility,  PCOS

    PCOS- Silent Syndrome

    PCOS- Silent Syndrome as I call it. You can’t see it, but it’s there. So many women all over the world suffer from PCOS. There isn’t a drug in the world to cure it. It’s something you live with, you survive, you deal with, and you mask. You mask it with razors, wax, electrolysis…. you mask it with anxiety medication, mood enhancers, and emotional melt downs/break down and out bursts. The many do’s of “be more active” and don’t “say no to carbs, dairy, glutton, etc” The physical pain you feel, the emotional pain you feel, no one will ever understand. Pains of unstoppable periods, missed periods, negative readings, and…

  • Healthy Lifestyle,  Infertility,  Life Thoughts,  PCOS

    Do You Know Your Body?

    Know your body! I cannot stress this enough. You know your body and live with it everyday. The doctor doesn’t. You know what’s normal and what’s not. When you have PCOS, you especially need to do this! My last exam I had an ultrasound. My dr noticed lots of polips (no big deal she said, you have PCOS) to me seeing the inside of my body, they didn’t seem normal. She said my lining was thick but since I already menstruated I wouldn’t again. Guess what, I did a week later. So we have to know our on bodies. WhTs normal for us. The only way to do this is…

  • PCOS

    PCOS Awareness Month

    September is PCOS awareness month.  A lot of awareness is now coming out on this syndrome.  Not many people know or understand it.  Tonight on the hit show “This Is Us” it grazed across the topic, barely.  PCOS is so much, but infertility is one of the symptoms.  The show spoke on a couple going to an infertility doctor, being turned away due to the woman’s weight.  Not only does the lady fight with PCOS, she is also over weight, and in her late thirties.  Three red flags for infertility.  The hardest part about PCOS is that it starts at an early age.  For me, I was 15 years old…

  • PCOS

    The Agonizing Visit from the Auntie

    The arrival of aunt flow. Finally, after three months, my “aunt flow” has returned. And it had been an agonizing weekend. It all started after we went to the local flea market to sell a few items the girls out grew. Through the long hot day, we made it home and there she was.  A few days before I had been arguing to my husband. I had been hostile due to my hormonal imbalance, and was worried my medication wasn’t doing it’s job. We argued about everything. And we never argue. Until this year. The seven year itch. It’s hard I know. Marrying someone of the total opposite.  Well with…

  • PCOS

    Labeled- Large

    Living the Large Life All my life I have been a large. Labeled by a size, by a number. But the number does not define who I am as a person. I would like to think I am a good genuine person. Tho I am not perfect, I have met some beautiful size small women out there who have a pretty ugly soul. I still pray for these women. That they find peace and not let their jealousy or low self esteem defy them. Large does not defy me. I think of all these women who are small. Where I use to want their figure or their size, they wish…

  • PCOS

    Let Your Light Shine

    “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life- of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1 Infertility is a disease many people tend to overlook. It’s silent. Not spoke about, not really studied. And yet part of me feels it’s because it’s not a man’s disease. It’s not diabetic heart disease or prostrate, yet it is a part of a woman’s body that is broken. Despite what might dismay, she still keeps going and she doesn’t allow you to see she is broken. I’ve been putting off this topic for what seems like a long time.  Infertility is…