• Becoming Mom,  Blog Post,  Blogging,  Life Thoughts

    Social Suckers

    Social Media is My Soul Sucker I’m pretty sure that social media and Facebook has triggered my ADD inside of me. I use to be always pretty focused. I never thought I had ADD. However, as I have gotten older and more stress I have a hard time focusing. Facebook doesn’t help. I’ll start to shop for something, and then I see something else. Then I got to Facebook, and then I decide to look on Instagram. Then I try to Google the first thing I was looking for. Before you know it, I get back on Facebook and I forget to order Christmas! It is two weeks till Christmas…

  • Becoming Mom,  Healthy Lifestyle,  Infertility,  PCOS

    Pennies from Heaven

    Five years ago my world felt like someone gut punched me in the stomach.  Finding out about my infertility was no joke. Learning I had a tubal pregnancy that turned into a tubal disease blocking me from ever having children of my own was the worst. The doctor, no bed side manner at all. She acted like it was no big deal and we would just make it happen. I trust God and his timing and these past five years I have grown to trust him even more. I did not believe in playing God.  Today I went in for my yearly. The lady in the car beside me apologized…

  • Becoming Mom,  Boss Mom,  Healthy Lifestyle,  Life Thoughts

    Mom Truths

    Man talk about mom truths It is December 1st and I still don’t have my tree up. My house is a disaster. I also barely have any Christmas shopping done. Not sure why but this past week I have been in a funk and decided to put myself first. I ran a 5k, had lunch date with my girls, pedicures, and slept in. But now I feel like a mom fail in life. Where has the time gone, how do people balance, and why does self care entitle feeling like a slacker after?  The Friends Feast We had a Friendsgiving or what my daughter calls Friends Feast. I think that.…

  • Blogging,  Life Thoughts

    Thanksgiving traditions and Memoir

    This thanksgiving was a first that some families had others missing from their table. Not because they couldn’t make it, because they were celebrating with Jesus.  My great uncle had a sadness in his eyes almost as if he was lost in his mind. He handed out a few pages of staples paper that he had typed up about my aunt. Her biography. He didn’t want to leave anything out and wanted others to add to it.  It made me think, how many of us have written our own autobiographies down and what will others remember us by or thank us for? What good did we do in this world that…