
I am not an English major, so my grammar maybe a little off.

Anyone wanting to be my editor, please send me a private message at jlynnswayne@gmail.com

This is a person blog, and I am not an expert at the topics I write on. I am only an expert at my personal experiences.  There are not many books or blogs on the subject(s) I will be writing on.  Yes, you can read all the books in the world, but until you experience them, you never truly know or understand. These experiences are the reason why I write; in hope that it may reach the lives of others who maybe going through similar situations.

Again, this blog is based on my personal experiences, and I am not getting paid to promote any certain product, or item I may speak about.  I own the rights to my own words and logo.  I may share quotes, articles, and verses from the Bible.  In no way are these meant to be plagiarized into my own words, but only to be shared in support of my words.

Please feel free to share my blog with friends, family, and loved ones.  I hope that one day my words and experiences help others in their experiences with infertility, adoption, and their faith in the Lord.