About Me

Happily Married.  Working Mom.  Just Winging it! Finding the Joy in Life with a Smile.

Come along with my on my journey.  Life throws many lemons your way. On my journey, I battle infertility and PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome). Infertility is a lonely journey that not many people can relate to.  I hope to change this with my blog.  I hope others who are on this journey can somehow find comfort through the God as I have.

My blog is keeping the joy in your heart no matter what obstacles may come your way. My blog will also touch on infertility options, such as IVF, Fostering, and Adoption.  Those of you who became parents over night will relate.

Thank you again for taking the time out of your journey to read a glimps of mine. I hope you too find the Joy in your Heart! Keep on Smiling!