• Blog Post,  Healthy Lifestyle,  PCOS

    The C Scare

    You tend to think you are untouchable in your teens. In your twenties, you have your whole life ahead of you. Your thirties, you realized life is passing you by.  By the time you hit your mid thirties, life starts to become real. You wonder if you are making the right choices in life. Are you established in your career? In your marriage? Or are you starting over? How is your health? Will you live long enough to see your child graduate, get married? Will you have more children? There are so many things that go through our head in our mid thirties; do you begin a new chapter in your…

  • Healthy Lifestyle,  Infertility,  PCOS

    PCOS- Silent Syndrome

    PCOS- Silent Syndrome as I call it. You can’t see it, but it’s there. So many women all over the world suffer from PCOS. There isn’t a drug in the world to cure it. It’s something you live with, you survive, you deal with, and you mask. You mask it with razors, wax, electrolysis…. you mask it with anxiety medication, mood enhancers, and emotional melt downs/break down and out bursts. The many do’s of “be more active” and don’t “say no to carbs, dairy, glutton, etc” The physical pain you feel, the emotional pain you feel, no one will ever understand. Pains of unstoppable periods, missed periods, negative readings, and…