Boss Mom

  • Adoption,  Becoming Mom,  Blogging,  Boss Mom,  Life Thoughts

    Don’t Let Covid Control You

    So with the covid 19…. many Americans and ppl all over the world are in front of more electronics than ever. Sending silly memes or filling out stupid surveys. What are some ways mommy blogs and be apart of it? Activities with your kids  Self love for you So many times we have these great ideas! Why not share with other moms and the whole world so that they too can benefit. The virus is very scary for us and for our children. Part of their life, school, friends, parts you don’t see everyday has been taken away from them.  What are some productive things we as parents can do…

  • Becoming Mom,  Boss Mom,  Life Thoughts

    Expectations of a Mom

    I just have to say moms have so many more expectations these days! We work outside the home inside the home volunteer at school do projects go on field trips. We are expected to do all these things! When I was growing up, we didn’t dress up as old ladies, we didn’t have Pinterest moms. They worked and managed to whip up dinner every night. They ran us around to ball games on Thursday’s piano on Mondays and church Wednesday’s and Sundays. We only watched tv during TGIF family game night or Saturday mornings after we did our chores. After that, outside we went no matter what the weather was.…

  • Becoming Mom,  Boss Mom,  Healthy Lifestyle,  Life Thoughts

    Mom Truths

    Man talk about mom truths It is December 1st and I still don’t have my tree up. My house is a disaster. I also barely have any Christmas shopping done. Not sure why but this past week I have been in a funk and decided to put myself first. I ran a 5k, had lunch date with my girls, pedicures, and slept in. But now I feel like a mom fail in life. Where has the time gone, how do people balance, and why does self care entitle feeling like a slacker after?  The Friends Feast We had a Friendsgiving or what my daughter calls Friends Feast. I think that.…

  • Blogging,  Boss Mom,  Life Thoughts

    Jealousy is a Lousy Prospective

    Jealousy… The word has been popping in my head all week. One of my friends tweeted about it. It’s easy to start showing jealousy of things you do not have. But when you lose what you do have, prospective sets in and you tend to gain more humbleness.  Thou shalt not covet. Most of the time we think of a car or house. But, it’s deeper than that. We wish we were a mom. That we had the job with the corner office window and 6 figure salary. We wish we were a super model. Wanting freedom to travel like our friend has! We want what we don’t have, and…

  • Blog Post,  Blogging,  Boss Mom,  Life Thoughts

    That Work Life Though… Thoughts from a Boss

    When writing ppl say to jot down everything that’s in your brain at one time then sort it out in the end. I have tons but don’t know how to begin. At work I’d like to think I am building an empire. Being a practice manager is a lonely job but it doesn’t have to be. You have to put high quality people in positions and trust them to do their job. If you can’t trust them to do it, your hosed. I have some women who have been tremendous. Yes they have their quirks, but they honestly do care about their job, the patients, and the practice. They don’t…

  • Boss Mom

    Boss Mom- My Theme Song

    Boss mom Came home from my work trip to sticky floors, dirty dishes in the sink, and warm hearts.  The house may have been a wreck, my husband (so happy for me to be home) had a sight of relief, but for the first time, I had a great welcoming with open arms and tiny feet around me. My oldest came outside to great me, helped carry my bags, and as soon as I came inside, gave me the biggest hug. It was such a warm and joyful feeling! While I was away on my trip, I tried to FaceTime as much as I could.  During our phone conversation, my…

  • Boss Mom

    Boss Mom- The Hard Stuff

    So I just finished up a great week at my conference! It was so enjoyable! Such an eye opener. I was so glad to be able to come and grow, network, and find ways to make myself better. The secret you ask? If you want to be better you have to want to be better. You have to think that way. Changing your mindset doesn’t happen over night, but staying consistent and having those reminders helps. “Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.” Proverbs 3:13 You are who you hang around. If you want to be healthy and workout, find a friend with those…

  • Boss Mom

    Embracing Millennial

    I’m feeling very “millennial” today. I ordered some new glasses that came in. You know those large round nerdy 🤓 looking ones that all the cool kids wear now a days. Exception….. mine have real prescription lenses in them. 💁🏼‍♀️ Yes I have added emojis in the blog post. Definitely a “millennial” thing to do.  There are so many people blame Millennials for being spoiled, due to having a silver spoon, and participant trophy 🏆 winning computer kids. Well guess what… to all you baby boomers and Gen Xers, you are the ones that raised us and gave us those trophies. In my opinion, there are two types of Millennials….…

  • Boss Mom

    Boss Mom

    Boss Mom Yes, that’s me. I am both; a boss of a multimillion dollar practice, and a mom of two beautiful girls.  If you had asked me in college if this would be my goal in life, to be a boss, the answer would be no. To be a mom? Yes, just not in this way.   Being both a boss and a mom, you have to know how to turn it off and on. You can’t treat your co-workers like a mom, and you can’t treat your family like a boss.  Sometimes, the two tend to cross over.  It is hard being both, but I am learning.  I was…