Blog Post,  Blogging,  Boss Mom,  Life Thoughts

That Work Life Though… Thoughts from a Boss

When writing ppl say to jot down everything that’s in your brain at one time then sort it out in the end. I have tons but don’t know how to begin.

At work I’d like to think I am building an empire. Being a practice manager is a lonely job but it doesn’t have to be. You have to put high quality people in positions and trust them to do their job. If you can’t trust them to do it, your hosed. I have some women who have been tremendous. Yes they have their quirks, but they honestly do care about their job, the patients, and the practice. They don’t understand why things happen or why the others do it this way or that. As long as I understand and I’m ok (as well as the docs) I tell them not to worry too much. Just focus on their expertise and what they are good at.

Now I do enjoy feed back and if an outside person sees something better by all means, but nit picking and questioning why on everything, sometimes they just don’t need to be explained on why…. just trust…. trust that person has a good reason and allow them to do their job. They are the most qualified and the highest person capable of doing so.  Without these key women, I would honestly lose my mind. 

Self-starters are the start of something wonderful

When hiring, look for self starters. These employees are golden! They maybe the lowest man in the totem pole, but you don’t have to keep telling them to keep doing the same task. One assistant if she doesn’t have a patient in front of her, she goes up front to give those girls a break. Just having a smiling face when a patient or visitor comes in is key. Also it is nice that person answers the phone and allows the front desk to take a mental break or potty break. The person not to be is that one sitting in the break room waiting for a patient to arrive. Or be that person that disrupts someone else who is on a project or report.

Maybe if you can’t think of something to do, ask if someone else needs help or assistants. After that, go home and enjoy your day. If you can’t be productive at work, then go be unproductive at home.

When to say goodbye.

The hardest part in knowing when to say goodbye to an employee. It’s never an easy task to do. Chance after chance is given. And the employee knows. Deep down they know if they are being a good employee and giving 100% to the job. And if you don’t know, and you were let go, girl you need to check yo self! Maybe dig deep, talk to some previous employers or look back over your previous write ups and see what happened? What could I have done better?

Sometimes the employee just has bad character and poor morals and ethics. This is huge to me. Do they lie on their resume? Do they try and cheat by just “getting the task/ the report done” or do they really work the report. Are they done in a timely manner? Clear expectations. Are they habitually late? Do they push their work off on other coworkers? Do they just sit around spinning in their chair or filling a seat for 8 hrs until they have their 40 hrs to go home with no progress done? It sounds so easy to let these people go. But let me tell you what. It’s hard. 

People have families… children to feed. Rent to pay. Hair extensions to buy and the highlife to live! Our society wants it now, what’s the Kardashian lifestyle without putting in the work. 

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

It’s so hard to be consistent and I try to not be Cruella in the office or Meryl Streep In Her Shoes, but I’m no Steve Corell in the office either. Some people get 3 chances 5 chances…. but people change, lives and practices grow and change. And you’ve got to be willing to change. If not, you gotta get out. I can handle being late due to a 5 car pile up on the interstate that I too must go through. I can handle daycare calling do to your child being sick. What I can handle is poor attitude, twerking in patient areas (unprofessionalism), habitually late (after changing your start time twice to help you out with child drop off)… my child just won’t wake up. Who’s the adult here you or your child? Your child doesn’t pay your bills you do!

All the excuses in the world. And the sad thing is, these employees were good employees at one time. It’s like cancer go to them. Something or someone ate at them so bad they felt this was ok. They started lying about tasks, just doing the motions. Their work ethic went down and so did our collections and moral. Once we got rid of the cancer and those who unfortunate got caught in it, we exillerated! It was amazing! Moral was great, some employees asked what took so long. It was great! Collections is exceeding and we now need more help! The scary thing is, what if I choose the wrong person?

What if who I interview next isn’t the right fit? And kills the moral or doesn’t get along with everyone or worse, steals from the practice?!

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