
  • Adoption,  Becoming Mom,  Blog Post,  Infertility

    Gotcha Day Year Two

    Two years today I became a mom. I’ve always been a parent, ever since we got the girls. Because when you foster or are a guardian, you are not only the child’s caregiver, but a mentor. As a result, you teach them to survive in this world, learn the basic skills they need, schooling, but most important, love and safety. You are their safe haven. This is what being a parent is all about. No matter if you are a friend, aunt, grandma, teacher. Kids need a safe haven. Two years ago at the adoption, I became more than a parent. I became a mom. Knowing you have a child…

  • Becoming Mom,  Healthy Lifestyle,  Infertility,  PCOS

    Pennies from Heaven

    Five years ago my world felt like someone gut punched me in the stomach.  Finding out about my infertility was no joke. Learning I had a tubal pregnancy that turned into a tubal disease blocking me from ever having children of my own was the worst. The doctor, no bed side manner at all. She acted like it was no big deal and we would just make it happen. I trust God and his timing and these past five years I have grown to trust him even more. I did not believe in playing God.  Today I went in for my yearly. The lady in the car beside me apologized…

  • Healthy Lifestyle,  Infertility,  PCOS

    PCOS- Silent Syndrome

    PCOS- Silent Syndrome as I call it. You can’t see it, but it’s there. So many women all over the world suffer from PCOS. There isn’t a drug in the world to cure it. It’s something you live with, you survive, you deal with, and you mask. You mask it with razors, wax, electrolysis…. you mask it with anxiety medication, mood enhancers, and emotional melt downs/break down and out bursts. The many do’s of “be more active” and don’t “say no to carbs, dairy, glutton, etc” The physical pain you feel, the emotional pain you feel, no one will ever understand. Pains of unstoppable periods, missed periods, negative readings, and…

  • Healthy Lifestyle,  Infertility,  Life Thoughts,  PCOS

    Do You Know Your Body?

    Know your body! I cannot stress this enough. You know your body and live with it everyday. The doctor doesn’t. You know what’s normal and what’s not. When you have PCOS, you especially need to do this! My last exam I had an ultrasound. My dr noticed lots of polips (no big deal she said, you have PCOS) to me seeing the inside of my body, they didn’t seem normal. She said my lining was thick but since I already menstruated I wouldn’t again. Guess what, I did a week later. So we have to know our on bodies. WhTs normal for us. The only way to do this is…

  • Infertility

    Here Comes [Insert Name] in a Baby Carriage

    In one year, I planned five, yes five baby showers.  It was like this epidemic at work.  I had just finished going through fertility testing, finding out I was unable to bare a child.  Yet, all these women around me were pregnant.  These women would go around, rubbing their bellies, planning baby nurseries, searching for baby names, and comparing if they would be a “stay at home mom” vs. a “part-time mom.”  The copy of “What to Expect When Not Expecting” book lying around the lunch table. One day, I went shopping for one of the baby showers.  I literally got so overwhelmed on all the different kinds of blues…

  • Infertility

    Mother’s Day- Part 1

    I guess you could say this is my first official/unofficial mother’s day.  What did my family do? They let me sleep!  Let me tell you how glorious that is! Normally my little ones will come in around 6am on the weekends.  Today has been a peaceful day.  As I write this now, I hear the girls up the street with the neighbor kids playing, my husband washing his truck, and I am laying outside in a lawn chairs as I listen to the birds chirping and feel the summer bugs crawling in our backyard.  What a beautiful, sunny day! As I sit out here, I reminisce on previous mother’s days…

  • Infertility

    Sanctity of Human Life

    All my life I grew up in church.  Growing up in a Christian home, I was taught the sanctity of Human Life.  I remember my mother’s own story.  She was given the option, to make a choice; to terminate the life of what they thought would be a downs baby.  They went through how hard it would be to take care of a child of special needs…(guess what guys, my brother is normal than ever, most of the time). Growing up, my mother spent the majority of our childhood years working with special needs children.  I believe that was her calling.  If she hadn’t of had that option, I don’t…