Becoming Mom,  Healthy Lifestyle,  Infertility,  PCOS

Pennies from Heaven

Five years ago my world felt like someone gut punched me in the stomach. 

Finding out about my infertility was no joke. Learning I had a tubal pregnancy that turned into a tubal disease blocking me from ever having children of my own was the worst. The doctor, no bed side manner at all. She acted like it was no big deal and we would just make it happen. I trust God and his timing and these past five years I have grown to trust him even more. I did not believe in playing God. 

Today I went in for my yearly. The lady in the car beside me apologized for smoking.   I could see her lower denture moving around while she spoke and tried to wave the smoke away. As I walked to my appointment, I didn’t think much about her at all.

At my appointment, I received lots of praised from my OBGYN for my activity change. She was so proud and could tell a difference from the last time I was there. She said I looked good and seemed happy. Asked about the girls and just said keep up the good work. I felt happy.

After my appointment, I started to my car. The same lady was there. She ran over towards me in tears in her eyes. Her friend and herself drove up from an hour away to the city. Her friends granddaughter was being induced Monday she had told me. They had everything planned, family flying in, baby things ordered, just to find out, she had lost the baby. One week before the baby would be born. Tears filled my eyes. How could this be. Around the holidays, this close to being brought to the world.

The Lord didn’t see it that way. The Lord had a different plan. I saw the girl walk out in tears with her grandmother. I was at a loss for words but told the lady I would definitely keep them in my prayers this week.

Later I ran to Target to pick up a few items for my office. Walking inside I passed one of the doctors from the fertility clinic I had went to years ago. He nodded and I sheepishly grinned and that was that. So many procedures I had done, and that’s all there was to it. It brought back so many emotions.

I went to pay for my purchase and in front of me was a lady with a big buggy full of items. I waited for what seemed like eternity. She talked about her lake house and moving and her kids. As I waited patiently, her one year old caught my eye. She sat in the front of the buggy with a cracker one hand and a wave in the other. She was so happy. Learning different facial expressions and nodding her head up and down trying to mimic my eyebrows. Lol. She was the cutest thing I had ever seen. I would look away and hear momma momma. I’d looked back up and she would laugh. I tried not to make it weird, and kept staring down at my phone.

Finally I finished my purchase and went out to my car. I heard a cling on the ground and there it was. A penny landed on tails. Like little angle wings send down from heaven. I don’t know why these people were put in my day. Why the lady lost her baby while another had hers. Why I ran into someone from my past and yearned for a little one in my future.  We don’t know why God has his reasons or his ways. All we can do is have faith, show kindness to others, and have hope for tomorrow.

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