Healthy Lifestyle

Whole 30- New You

So today I started the Whole 30.  For 30 days I will eat more whole foods without all the extra preservatives or additives, or things that are made such as breads and cookies.  Why I am doing this? And is this another fad diet? Lifestyle changes, really this is eating healthy.  I’m doing this because I have PCOS. My body has crazy hormones and why ingest things that add to that? Why add to the side effects?

I must admit, this was not my idea.  I wish there was a pill out there I could take and poof it all be gone.  One of my coworkers is doing the challenge and invited me to do it.  You can slowly add certain things after the whole 30.  Not sure what I would miss, possibly milk products.  But I have heard this can be a trigger for those who have PCOS.  So maybe more “whole” products and not processed cheeses and such. 

Make/cook meals for my family.

I want to start making home cooked meals for my family. In order to do this, I will have to prepare. Being both a boss and a mom, I will have to set boundaries, not work as late hours, and make sure I am not “cheating” my way through getting food on the table. One of the biggest challenges will be cooking the “whole food” way. The hard thing, all the weird foods. Like Ghe? What the heck? I don’t want to make it nor buy it. Olive oil is normal to me and so I will go with that. Same with Mayo. I’m not a big mayo person but if you want to make chicken salad, I’ll user the mayo with olive oil.  Like I said before, this is to change bad habit and start good ones. Not to be crazy.

My support is my family.

My immediate family, my husband and kids are on board.  The kids are young and don’t really understand, just know that mom is wanted to be healthy and cook more. My husband is my rock, my support, and know I need to do this for my health. I want to do this for my health.  Some other family members, think this is silly.  They roll their eyes, complain I already have dinner cooked instead of wanting to do a spur of the moment pizza outing. Sorry guys. This is for me not you. Yes for once I am being selfish and saying no. 

Why can’t people be more supportive? I mean would you make a diabetic eat sugar if you knew they were diabetic? PCOS is like diabetes.  You can’t see it. It is a disease, there is not cure. We don’t know why we have it. But we know what we ingest can cause triggers.  Not may people know about PCOS and I hope this helps to cause more awareness.  

When God made me, he made me in his own image. 

However we do not live in a perfect world.  As I deal with my weight, and eating habits, some skinny person maybe dealing with alcohol addition, drug addiction, another disease such as diabetes, heart disease, etc.  I am lucky I do not deal with these issues.  But I do deal with my weight (which people can see) and I deal with my fertility, (which people do not see).

The funny thing about all this, I received a minor in nutrition. I really enjoyed it and was pretty good at it.  Why did I not go for a Masters? Well, I’m not skinny.  Its true. I mean why would someone seek advice from someone who deals with a weight issue? But now, I want to share my knowledge and skills I learned in college and focus it on my family and lifestyle.  I want my girls to be healthy and be able to make good choices. Not to be scared of food or have a weight issue as I did. 

I know they will have their own issues, and I pray everyday it will not be drug/alcohol related.  I pray that when they get into their pre-teens they do not have an issue with food.  Every girl has an issue with their self, and how they look. Their hair isn’t long enough or shiny enough, they have a large nose, they want to be tan, thin, etc.  I hope to raise powerful girls with confidence, grace, kindness, and Godly hearts. Completing this Whole 30 is not only for myself, but for others who have faith and confidence in me who believe I can do it! Here’s to Whole 30, New Me!

“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

The Holy Bible, New King James Version

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