Life Thoughts

  • Blog Post,  Blogging,  Life Thoughts

    Destinations of Each Chapter

    “She’s so high” plays as I fly out of Atlanta to my final destination. Makes me think of what all happens between our start in life’s journey and the final destination to each chapter.  Often times I tend to be a people pleaser. Always wanting to give my best and my all. I had an older brother growing up.  It always seemed easy for him. I was constantly in his shadow and thought of as “Swayne’s Sister” which everyone seemed to think it had a great ring to it. All through middle and high school, that’s who I was. Not Jenny, not Swayne, not my individuality at all. Just a…

  • Blog Post,  Blogging,  Boss Mom,  Life Thoughts

    That Work Life Though… Thoughts from a Boss

    When writing ppl say to jot down everything that’s in your brain at one time then sort it out in the end. I have tons but don’t know how to begin. At work I’d like to think I am building an empire. Being a practice manager is a lonely job but it doesn’t have to be. You have to put high quality people in positions and trust them to do their job. If you can’t trust them to do it, your hosed. I have some women who have been tremendous. Yes they have their quirks, but they honestly do care about their job, the patients, and the practice. They don’t…

  • Becoming Mom,  Healthy Lifestyle,  Life Thoughts


    Moms need them.  When we are depressed and don’t want to be touched, When we need to set aside time to go to the gym, Leaving the dishes to get those 8 hrs of sleep. Waking up before your kids to get those extra done, Locking the door to your bathroom so you can escape in the bubbles. Saying no to extra money from weekend calls so you can spend those Saturdays with your kids and Sunday’s with your parents.  Boundaries are necessary if you love yourself.

  • Healthy Lifestyle,  Infertility,  Life Thoughts,  PCOS

    Do You Know Your Body?

    Know your body! I cannot stress this enough. You know your body and live with it everyday. The doctor doesn’t. You know what’s normal and what’s not. When you have PCOS, you especially need to do this! My last exam I had an ultrasound. My dr noticed lots of polips (no big deal she said, you have PCOS) to me seeing the inside of my body, they didn’t seem normal. She said my lining was thick but since I already menstruated I wouldn’t again. Guess what, I did a week later. So we have to know our on bodies. WhTs normal for us. The only way to do this is…

  • Blogging,  Life Thoughts,  Submissive Wife

    Our Person. Our Love.

    The other day I noticed a few women sitting together at church. The widows. It got me to thinking, we may not know our spouse as long as our parents, but we are around them a lot more. They are the ones who know our bad days, sick days, financial troubles. You love them or at one time loved them and you have so many memories of them. Together you have children and have lost parents. They have molded you into do you far. They are your person. 

  • Life Thoughts


    Tennessee just passed the “Heartbeat” Law.  So many people had made this topic so controversial and yet, it is a topic that should be a no brainer.  Its sad really.  From different political stances, and religious stances, it is mind boggling how a person can be “ok” with having a choice to choose if a small life lives.  Dr. Seuss said “A person is a person no matter how small.”  He’s right.  No matter if the heart beat is at 4 weeks or if the baby is at a full term of 9 months.  This topic is so controversial, but why?  Why are we given a choice? Why is this…

  • Life Thoughts

    Love Pumps the Heart

    So as I think about the day and miss work with my sick child, I sit and ponder about a blog idea I’ve had, but haven’t posted. One I still don’t have the answers to. February is the month of women’s heart health, also the month of love. We wear red day in celebration, walk to pump up your heart, and share the love you have for others. Love thy neighbor. Recently, there have been so many have lost loved ones, and these are of all ages. My parents neighbor passed away. Though they may not have been close or knew each other’s troubles, my parents showed love and did…