Healthy Lifestyle

  • Becoming Mom,  Blog Post,  Healthy Lifestyle

    This is a Woman’s World, so Let’s Talk about IT!

    Oh no no no no no. These were the words that came out of my child’s mouth after having the “woman talk.” But she absorbed. Had a few questions. And I survived. We mostly talked about being a woman and changes. Her cousin came to visit, and had just had the changes. There were so many questions from my daughter. What’s in the special bag in the bathroom? Why does she look so different. Finally the night before my daughter’s 9th birthday, we talked. There’s really no glorious book out there or way to say it. You just rip it off like a bandaid. But it’s nothing to be ashamed…

  • Adoption,  Becoming Mom,  Blog Post,  Healthy Lifestyle,  Life Thoughts

    True girl true colors

    Before quarantine and COVID, my daughter and I attend a true girl convention in town. It was a pajama party. We had so much fun and drew closer to each other through the night. I enjoyed seeing God work through my girl, and watching her worship God in her own unique way. My girl has gone through a lot during her 8 almost 9 years of living here on earth. But, through all she has been through, she hasn’t let it steal her joy. She is my opposite yet we are the same! Saturday mornings (ok every morning) is like clockwork. She is the little bird chirping and singing in…

  • Becoming Mom,  Healthy Lifestyle,  Infertility,  PCOS

    Pennies from Heaven

    Five years ago my world felt like someone gut punched me in the stomach.  Finding out about my infertility was no joke. Learning I had a tubal pregnancy that turned into a tubal disease blocking me from ever having children of my own was the worst. The doctor, no bed side manner at all. She acted like it was no big deal and we would just make it happen. I trust God and his timing and these past five years I have grown to trust him even more. I did not believe in playing God.  Today I went in for my yearly. The lady in the car beside me apologized…

  • Becoming Mom,  Boss Mom,  Healthy Lifestyle,  Life Thoughts

    Mom Truths

    Man talk about mom truths It is December 1st and I still don’t have my tree up. My house is a disaster. I also barely have any Christmas shopping done. Not sure why but this past week I have been in a funk and decided to put myself first. I ran a 5k, had lunch date with my girls, pedicures, and slept in. But now I feel like a mom fail in life. Where has the time gone, how do people balance, and why does self care entitle feeling like a slacker after?  The Friends Feast We had a Friendsgiving or what my daughter calls Friends Feast. I think that.…

  • Blog Post,  Healthy Lifestyle,  PCOS

    The C Scare

    You tend to think you are untouchable in your teens. In your twenties, you have your whole life ahead of you. Your thirties, you realized life is passing you by.  By the time you hit your mid thirties, life starts to become real. You wonder if you are making the right choices in life. Are you established in your career? In your marriage? Or are you starting over? How is your health? Will you live long enough to see your child graduate, get married? Will you have more children? There are so many things that go through our head in our mid thirties; do you begin a new chapter in your…

  • Healthy Lifestyle,  Infertility,  PCOS

    PCOS- Silent Syndrome

    PCOS- Silent Syndrome as I call it. You can’t see it, but it’s there. So many women all over the world suffer from PCOS. There isn’t a drug in the world to cure it. It’s something you live with, you survive, you deal with, and you mask. You mask it with razors, wax, electrolysis…. you mask it with anxiety medication, mood enhancers, and emotional melt downs/break down and out bursts. The many do’s of “be more active” and don’t “say no to carbs, dairy, glutton, etc” The physical pain you feel, the emotional pain you feel, no one will ever understand. Pains of unstoppable periods, missed periods, negative readings, and…

  • Becoming Mom,  Healthy Lifestyle,  Life Thoughts


    Moms need them.  When we are depressed and don’t want to be touched, When we need to set aside time to go to the gym, Leaving the dishes to get those 8 hrs of sleep. Waking up before your kids to get those extra done, Locking the door to your bathroom so you can escape in the bubbles. Saying no to extra money from weekend calls so you can spend those Saturdays with your kids and Sunday’s with your parents.  Boundaries are necessary if you love yourself.

  • Healthy Lifestyle,  Infertility,  Life Thoughts,  PCOS

    Do You Know Your Body?

    Know your body! I cannot stress this enough. You know your body and live with it everyday. The doctor doesn’t. You know what’s normal and what’s not. When you have PCOS, you especially need to do this! My last exam I had an ultrasound. My dr noticed lots of polips (no big deal she said, you have PCOS) to me seeing the inside of my body, they didn’t seem normal. She said my lining was thick but since I already menstruated I wouldn’t again. Guess what, I did a week later. So we have to know our on bodies. WhTs normal for us. The only way to do this is…

  • Healthy Lifestyle

    Whole 30- New You

    So today I started the Whole 30.  For 30 days I will eat more whole foods without all the extra preservatives or additives, or things that are made such as breads and cookies.  Why I am doing this? And is this another fad diet? Lifestyle changes, really this is eating healthy.  I’m doing this because I have PCOS. My body has crazy hormones and why ingest things that add to that? Why add to the side effects? I must admit, this was not my idea.  I wish there was a pill out there I could take and poof it all be gone.  One of my coworkers is doing the challenge…