Boss Mom

Embracing Millennial

I’m feeling very “millennial” today. I ordered some new glasses that came in. You know those large round nerdy 🤓 looking ones that all the cool kids wear now a days. Exception….. mine have real prescription lenses in them. 💁🏼‍♀️

Yes I have added emojis in the blog post. Definitely a “millennial” thing to do. 

There are so many people blame Millennials for being spoiled, due to having a silver spoon, and participant trophy 🏆 winning computer kids. Well guess what… to all you baby boomers and Gen Xers, you are the ones that raised us and gave us those trophies.

In my opinion, there are two types of Millennials…. The ones that grew up and remember what it was like before the internet and the ones that grew up with always having the internet.

I remember back in 5th grade, I was chose to go to Nashville and participate in the Connect Tenn!  During this time, the State of Tennessee went “live,” and allowed all the schools to be apart of this great experience called the internet. An encyclopedia on the computer that eventually allowed us to communicate with each other not only using words but now pictures only. Gyrogliphics. Have we gone back into the stone age? 

Einstein said himself that electronics would eventually make us dumber. At least that’s what I read on the internet which we know is all true and not just someone’s opinion or fake news. Isn’t all news fake, I mean you are an eye witness but do you know what really happened?  There are always three sides to the story, his, hers, and the truth. And only God knows the truth.

If I’m going to be labeled for my “age group” I might as well embrace it.  Prove everyone wrong that we are not just a label!

“Better a poor and wise youth, than an old and foolish king who will be admonished no more.” Ecclesiastes 4:13

Did I jump into being a boss when I first got out of school? No. I worked for it, and worked my way up. Luckily, with my educational background, knowledge, experience, and determination helped with that, as well as my boss’s trust that I would make good, sound decisions.  I have grown in my career. Yes, I have made mistakes and at many times wanted to throw in the towel. Not everyone can be a boss. There’s a difference between being a boss and being bossy. Most of the times the bossy ones are just flat out lazy. 

Being a millennial is so much more than just electronics and the internet. We have determination. We want the best for ourselves and our kids. Why is that so wrong?  Shouldn’t you be proud of us for not settling? Not meaning in a job per say but settling in our self worth. 

When your in a job, you should give it your best.  Not just mediocre. And any “millennial” that just does the bare minimum, their just lazy. Let me tell you, you can’t get a head because your doing a good job. Good for you (pat on the back).  Anyone can do a good job, but what makes you so special? But what makes you stand out? What makes you sensational?!  Why do you deserve better? 

I have looked over a dozen resumes, done multiple interviews, and at times I have hired the wrong person for the job. Like I said, as a boss I make mistakes too. By learning from those mistakes, I am trying to go more with my gut, and what I feel.  Not giving in to the persuasion of others in the office.  I am there to do a job, but if you want your workers to go above and beyond, you have to do more than “just a job.”

There are two hires in life that you get as a boss, the excels, and the duds.  Unfortunately, the duds have so much potential, they just can’t see it, or they let their pride and jealously get in the way.  The excels, those are the keepers.  They are the ones that MAKE your work week.

The greatest thing is hiring someone, training them, giving them the right tools,  and seeing them excel in their job/career.  When this happens, you hope they can become something extraordinary.  Not settling.  Sometime, they have to move on from the company, but this is where you should be proud!  Proud that you helped them succeed, and made a stamp in their life.

The sad thing, seeing someone with an amazing talent, smart, and skills to exceed;  but, instead of working on doing their best, they just do enough to get by. That’s so sad, not just for the company, but for the individual, because they can do/be so much better. It’s hard to show them that if they don’t believe it. And if they already think they are better or too good for the job, they sure don’t show it in their work. These people are setting their own selves up for disaster. And as a boss, you can’t save everyone.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Millennial or no millennial, its not the title that defies you.  It is you that puts worth on your title.  We have so many titles, boss, mom, daughter, sister, wife…. as long as you do you, you find your worth, you will succeed.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist, or Einstein to tell you that.  God tells us just that.  If you love him and accept him, he will show you worth.  No, we are not worthy of his grace nor his love, but knowing that  makes his love for us even better.

So what is your title?  What is your self worth?  Without God, do you have self worth?  Do you, truly?  We can have many titles, but if we do not have God, what do we have?  Without God, I could not be a boss, mom, daughter, sister, or wife.  At least, not a very good one.  Think to yourself, when your in your job, is what I am doing enough?  Is it enough for your co-workers, your boss, yourself?  Lastly, is it truly satisfying or is it just a job?

“Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Phillippians 4:8

Knowing what I know now, I know that with God, I am a new creation.  I can be a better boss for my coworkers.  Through God, I am now a Mom.  God has allowed me to be a good daughter, and sister growing up.  And finally, a wife.  As a wife, there have been some rough patches, that’s for sure.  I will have in a later blog, how I have embarked on the journey of being a submissive wife.  Let me tell you, it’s not easy, and no, it’s not just about saying “yes” to my husband all the time. Remember, I am a “millennial boss mom.”

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

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